Monday, January 26, 2015

Fundraising Update: Passed the half-way mark!

I have passed the half way mark with my goal: $1,037 dollars! I cannot thank you all enough for donating. I never imagined I would be able to raise this much money in just one week. With you continued help and support I can keep up this fundraising for the next 12 weeks (83 days!) leading up to the race! 

One of my favorite parts about getting a new donation are the little messages of encouragement that pop up on my fundraising page. Reading through these messages keeps me excited and motivated for the race. Thank you for the good luck messages and reminders to stay safe. I can't put into words how much this all means to me. Here are the ones that have been posted so far: keep them coming!

Here's a little story to fill some time during the state-wide snow day (PS, stay safe everyone!)  

Starting my training for the marathon has been a giant leap in my running schedule and skill. This weekend, I finished my second full week of official training and my body is definitely feeling the extra miles. One of my memories about Abbie, however, keeps reminding me to approach the training with open arms and take each run how it comes.

Last year on Thanksgiving, I was walking up to the Benford's house, chocolate pie in one hand and Oreo turkeys for Abbie in the other. When I got to the door, Abbie was there to greet me with a HUGE hug, ignoring the two full plates in both of my hands. I tried my best to hug back, but mostly just laughed as I tried not to drop anything! Abbie was so full of joy and welcomed me to the family, literally, with open arms. I think of this memory often as a reminder to stay positive and approach the hardest days, moments, and even runs, with open arms.

Keep Smilin'

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