Friday, February 27, 2015

52 days and a 15 mile run!

Only 52 Days until the Start!

Time is moving SO fast; the Boston Marathon is only 50 days away! Thanks to all my sponsors, I have raised an INCREDIBLE amount this week. Since my last blog post, one week ago, I have raised $650, bringing me to a total of $2,474- just $26 away from half my fundraising goal!

HMMM... 26 miles to run in the marathon and 26 dollars from half my goal?? Today, if one person will sponsor me for one dollar per mile, I would reach the $2,500 mark and be half way there!

It means so much to me that I am able to help Keep Smilin' and raising money to help with their research and awareness efforts. When people ask me how my training is going, and how hard it is getting, I think about the real reason I am running this marathon. I think about Abbie. Every step I take on every training run is for her.

This week, my long run was 15 miles. Up until this week in my training, I had not yet been on my longest run ever. This 15 miler broke that streak! Each long run from this week on will me a new milestone as my 'longest run ever'. After completing my run, I felt strong and accomplished, and ready for Boston!

Keep Smilin'

Friday, February 20, 2015

Fatherly Advice

Two More Months!

April 20th is getting close- just two months from today! So far, I have raised $1,824 for Keep Smilin' 4 Abbie. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every person who has made a donation over the past few weeks! I am still $3,176 away from my goal of $5,000. If you would like to make a donation and help me reach this goal, please visit my fundraising page!

Ever since I started running in high school, my Dad has been my biggest fan. He was always on the side lines of races, yelling out times and keeping me focused. Other girls on the Hopkinton cross country team even got used to him keeping track of their times and their place!

My Dad also started running track in high school and has stuck with the sport all his life. As my interest grew, running became a fun sport to enjoy together. And trust me, when we go for a run together, he NEVER lets me forget that he can finish first. Last year, my Dad and I ran in two 5k races together- one race we even ran with our Keep Smilin' gear!

When I'm at school, there are not too many opportunities to run with my Dad. So, after a hard workout, I call him at work and keep him up to date on my training. I assume these daily calls can get quite annoying, but I like to think I am giving him a little break from work! He always has the best advice. While other people will tell me to take a rest day or try and easy run, my Dad will tell me I'm being a wimp and to run faster. And when he catches me complaining, he just doesn't listen. He gives me the reality check I need and the motivation to prove him wrong on and run stronger on my next run.

I know that in April, my Dad will be chasing the marathon, stopping and seeing me run by wherever possible, just like he has at every other one of my races. Thanks,Dad, for being the best running buddy.

Keep Smilin'

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Runnin' (and Avoidin') the New England Snow

Another foot of snow?
How am I supposed to run around these snow banks!

Spending the weekend at home in Hopkinton has proved very hard to run outside; especially with last night's snow! So, I resorted to getting the best workout my living room could provide. I ran in place with ankle weights and went up and down the stairs. It wasn't as good as a real run, but better than nothing! And MUCH safer than braving the aftermath of the snowstorm!

Despite missing the outside run, my living room/gym was full of cheering supporters. Check them out!

Even Annie was cheering!

It's great knowing that the people (and dogs) I love the most are helping me through my training. 

If you want to support my training by donating to Keep Smilin', consider donating tonight! I ran a HALF marathon this week, and want to raise HALF my goal as fast as I can! My current fundraising total is $1,824! Follow this link to make a donation to an amazing cause and show your support!

Keep Smilin'

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Half Marathon finished, can I reach HALF my goal?

Half Way There!

My long run this week was a half marathon-13.1 miles, and exactly half the distance I will run in the Boston Marathon, just 66 days from today! Having only run a half marathon once in my life, I was anxious for such a long run this week, but was pleasantly surprised upon finishing and still feeling full of energy! Thanks to my friend Jackie and her workout-fueling expertise, I have been keeping track of what I eat and making sure to prepare for these long runs. I also have to send out a well deserved congrats to my friend Katie who ran with me on Wednesday, completing her first ever half marathon!

After running a HALF marathon this week, I have a challenge for my sponsors; Can I reach HALF my goal by this weekend? Right now, I have raised a grand total of $1,661! That means I'm only $839 away from reaching this half way mark! If you have thought about donating to Keep Smilin' 4 Abbie, now is a great time! 

Keep Smilin'

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Stretching my legs AND my goal!

73 Days!

I've been a runner since the beginning of high school and I have learned (the hard way) the importance of stretching my legs after every run. So what about stretching a fundraising goal? It must be just as important to stretch my legs as it is to stretch my goal, right? 

I'm going to test this stretching theory and raise my fundraising goal- 

to $5,000!

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far; I am up to $1,481 after just two weeks of fundraising. With 10 weeks until the race, and your continued donation support, I can reach my new $5,000 goal with ease.

Running in Westfield is getting tougher as the temperatures drop and the snow totals climb. Most of my runs have consisted of multiple times around a 3 mile loop around camps (any runners reading this can sympathize how boring my 12 mile run was on this loop!) My friends at school continue to be a great support network, checking in after my runs and asking about my training plans each week.

As I continue to get donations, I encourage all my sponsors to check out and everything they are doing to spread Abbie's spirit and spread awareness of the severity of anaphylaxis.

I am training, preparing, and running for Abbie. During the hardest moments of my runs and workouts, I remember that she is always, always smilin' down.  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Runnin' with Friends

77 Days!

I am quickly approaching my third week of training and I'm feeling great. This week was a recovery week and a nice break for my tired legs. Good thing Western Mass didn't get as much snow as home because I can't imagine running around 2 foot snow banks!

Just like my running, my fundraising is still going strong. In case you missed my last post, I have passed the $1,000 mark! I am at a current fundraising total of $1,143. I know with your help I can raise even more.

My last blog post got 40 views so far (thank you all for reading!). If each of those 40 people donated $25 dollars today, I would raise $1,000 and pass my $2,000 goal! If you are considering donating to Keep Smilin' 4 Abbie, today is a GREAT day to do it! Follow this link to my fundraising page: 

My friends from home and from school have all been so supportive through my training; you all are awesome. I have some special thank yous for friends who have kept me in mind the past few weeks and helped with my training.

I want to say thank you to Katie, my running friend at school, for navigating the horribly paved roads of Westfield with me. Jackie, for sending me info articles about how to survive my first marathon. Brittany, for telling me to eat more when I complain about being tired after a long run. And Chelsey, for being my own personal running photographer! Here are a picture from our running photo shoot today!

Thank you to everyone who has donated. Please continue to share with your friends and family; and keep reading!

Keep Smilin'